Empowering Education with Passion, Discovery, and Opportunity

Our Mission

The San Pasqual Union Foundation, a group of parent volunteers, is dedicated to enhancing the learning experience for students through the funding of resources not fully supported by traditional public means. The San Pasqual Union Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

What we do

The San Pasqual Union Foundation’s goal is to help San Pasqual Union to cultivate a community of enthusiastic, and creative learners. Our means of doing this is to raise funds in support of the school and donate to the school as needs arise.

Why we do it

We want our school and students to thrive.

With California public schools among the lowest funded in the country, (ranked 41st out of 50 states for per-pupil funding), funding isn’t always available for all that we want for our children.

Within San Diego County, San Pasqual Union School District ranks last (42nd out of 42 districts) in per pupil funding. And, unlike most other districts in the county, under the local control funding formula. (LCFF), SPU receives minimal supplemental and no concentration grant funds.